
Tuesday, November 01, 2005

West Side Story

Cathy, stop reading here until you've seen the play. Everyone else, read at your own risk (as with everything else on this blog.)

Went to see West Side Story tonight with Diana DeGarmo (sp?) of American Idol fame. The sets were well done, and very creative. They helped the play move fluidly from one scene to the next without thinking, "Hey, they could have done that a lot more smoothly." They were very convincing, and apparently very sturdy - there were a couple of times that actors jumped up on something that I thought would have collapsed under their weight, but they remained rock steady.

By now you've probably figured the play wasn't all that great since I started the blog with the scenery. You'd be correct. The first half was very amateurish - my high school could have done better, and Diana DeGarmo as a young girl fresh from Puerto Rico was less than convincing - she couldn't even maintain the bad imitation accent throughout. I wasn't sure if I would return from intermission, but return I did. The second half was a little better. Maybe the director laid into them during the intermission. Who knows. In any case, it was a little less painful.

All in all, I was somewhat disappointed. I've waited my entire life to see the much acclaimed West Side Story only to be let down. Not only was I disappointed in the acting, but the ending totally stunk. I can't believe there wasn't a feel good ending, no happy reunion, no peace found amongst the gangs, no sunset to walk off into, just another "funeral". I can't believe nobody ever told me that. Yes, the sky in my world is often tinged by rose colored glasses, and I like it that way.


At 02 November, 2005 08:50, Anonymous Anonymous said...

>>>>Yes, the sky in my world is often tinged by rose colored glasses, and I like it that way. <<<<<<<<<

Oh the things I could say! You could change the name of your blog to Thoughts from the Delusional Mind. :D Just you and your random fantasies. LMAO! :D

At 02 November, 2005 14:29, Blogger andrea said...

the movie was probably better. the young rita morena was fun to watch. did romeo and juliet's family get together after they both died and partied?

the feel good ending will be added when it's remade by garry marshall.

At 02 November, 2005 18:21, Blogger snarfdog said...

No, but it was still sort of a feel good ending in a twisted sort of way because both Romeo and Juliet die. They don't leave one to go on without the other. I love R&J.

At 04 November, 2005 11:16, Blogger Liz said...

Maybe that's the problem -- seeing an acclaimed play put on by people who are decidedly un-acclaimed.

At 04 November, 2005 11:44, Blogger snarfdog said...

Good point.


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