Homer Simpson Moment
Last night, as I was getting the girls undressed for their bath, Riley leaned over the tub and had a cheerio stuck to the seat of her pants. Samantha promptly reached over, plucked it off, and popped it in her mouth looking very pleased the whole time. Riley didn't even notice, just wanted to get in the tub.
Um....Um.... Well I have a cherio here that I assumed was from the girls. We don't know how it got here, but we have been protecting it in a plastic egg 'cuz it is important to us. I will now go and place this cherio in the plastic egg into another plastic container. And then possibly another plastic container. Ewwwwww!!! And this cherio was so cute at the begining!!! Possibly sammy might want it as a snack when she comes for a visit.
I would definitely guard it carefully while she is there.
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