
Friday, February 04, 2005

Water soluble ink is NOT water soluble

This may seem like a no brainer, or a common sense thing, and to a certain extent it is, so I must take responsibility for my own foolishness. That having been said, this all started with the fact that I have been doing hand/foot prints and photos of the twins on a monthly basis since they were born. Until now I have been using an "inkless" system so all was good. However, the babies have outgrown the old system so we had to go to a more regular way to print them thus the water soluble ink. I have a water based inkpad that I thought would work just fine, and it did to get the prints. However, when it came time to wash those cute little hands and feet the ink just wouldn't come off, even after an extended soak in the bath tub. Samantha was quite distraught and cried everytime she looked at her fingers until after the tub soak which did lighten it all up quite a bit. She is afterall, our confirmed finger sucker. Riley didn't seem quite as disturbed though she kept looking at her feet quizically. So, for those who have thought of trying this, think again. As for me, apparently I'll have to find a new method for the next printing session.


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