
Friday, October 06, 2006

"Really depressing shoulder update", or alternately "I am in denial"

Ok, I saw my sports shoulder orthopaedic doc again yesterday. We'll call him Dr. SSOD. After looking at my nerve conduction studies, reviewing my films again, doing yet another physical exam, and evaluating my progress he has come to the conclusion that I need surgery. However, Dr. SSOD must also be very intuitive as he could tell I was not ready to go down that path. Unlike most surgeons he did not push it, recommended 8 weeks of intense physical therapy for the torn rotator cuff, and he is referring me to yet another doc for more diagnoses on the brachiopathy (nerve damage). At this point, I am set up to do both in two weeks.


At 07 October, 2006 09:14, Blogger heather said...

suck ass! really hope you rock the PT, snowflake. surgeons, begone!

At 07 October, 2006 11:08, Blogger snarfdog said...

Helen, it's the Catholic way, and Heather, thanks. I'm gonna try.

At 07 October, 2006 11:49, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yet another good reason to go Catholic-light. IE. Episcopalian. It's the kinder, gentler Catholocism.

As the veteran of 2 shoulder surgeries, I can say that as long as it's done through a scope and there's no bone being touched, you're better off having the surgery. More therapy is doing it the hard way and you end up just wasting more time while it won't heal. Been there. Just let them repair it.

At 09 October, 2006 14:10, Blogger Liz said...

Quick, go get the surgery now!

At 09 October, 2006 20:49, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I feel it is my duty to warn you that the needles are comically huge. Other than that, carry on. ;)

At 09 October, 2006 21:12, Blogger snarfdog said...

Carolyn, the injection was fine. No pain from it, and the sweet relief afterwards. Wow!

Helen, why do anything light when you can do it hardcore? ;)

As for surgery, I still don't want anyone cutting me, arthroscopically or not. Really hoping strengthening the area and time will work. You know me, minimalist when it comes to medicine which is ironic considering my chosen profession.

At 14 October, 2006 10:18, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm really hoping you see the irony and contradictions in your last statement......


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