They're not 2 yet!
Ok, I think we've hit the terrible two's a little early. I'm all for having smart kids, but this is too much. Yesterday I'm feeding them lunch and Riley decides she is done. Their official done sign lately is to throw whatever they don't want off the highchair trays. We've been trying to break them of this habit and have made some small inroads, but I digress. In any case, Riley decides she is done and holds the remains of her sandwich over the floor at which point I say, "Do not drop that on the floor, put it back on your tray and we'll clean it up when we're done" She looked straight at me, stared at me in fact, and wiggled the fingers holding the sandwich over the floor. I again reiterated my directions to not drop it on the floor. She stared straight at me never once blinking, opened her hand and let fly with the sandwich. Now mind you, this was a peanut butter sandwich which she had peeled open, and of course it landed peanut butter side down. Sam, not to be outdone, let fly with hers as well, and had the extra added bonus of smearing it on the wall.
Lucky for them, Grandma and Grandpa showed up and wisked them away to the park before Mommy's head could explode.
I woulda let the sandwich fly too. :D Do you blame her? Your days of freeloading happy baby fluff are almost over. They will bring you to your knees. They are Bill's offspring, remember? I recommend hiding the matches now. The end is coming........
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