
Tuesday, October 11, 2005

This just in from hubby...

Hubby: waiting to buy shoes...
Hubby: still just waiting...lady gave me a couple of pairs...went to back 10 min ago...not seen since
Hubby: murder in the shoe deptment
Hubby: deep in a sears...a monster lurks killing the shoe gals one by one...
Hubby: police baffled by the strange waffle marks and unusual rubber left in the wound...
Hubby: a rubber not used for over 60 years
Hubby: little do they know what happened here, at this very location those same 60 years ago
Hubby: christ sakes someone needs to save her so i can get a pair of shoes

It made me giggle, so I had to share, especially today when I feel so crappy.


At 13 October, 2005 11:29, Anonymous Anonymous said...

clinically insane. And what the hell is he buying shoes at SEARS for?


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