
Saturday, November 12, 2005

Jetta gone bye bye

Ok, I think this will be the last Jetta post. We actually sold it, bank check in hand, so no more crazy people calling for it. Now for the Volvo and Ninja 500. Bring on the crazies.


At 13 November, 2005 14:18, Blogger Rich said...

Whew!!! Great work Susan!!! Thanks again for all the trouble we put you through! If I can in someway help you guys in any way with any thing you know I will help you all I can.

At 14 November, 2005 14:03, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hmmm... Maybe I should buy the Ninja... :)

At 14 November, 2005 16:24, Blogger snarfdog said...

I like that plan. We'll even give you the friends and family discount.

At 15 November, 2005 16:56, Blogger Jennie said...

It's hard to think of the sale of the Volvo and the Ninja providing as much entertainment value as the Jetta, but one can hope...


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