Should I really be getting paid for this, or am I getting paid enough for this?
The answer to that question is rather elusive. Some nights I feel like, "It's great to be here" while others I feel like, "Why am I here and why do I put up with this crap." Lucky for me I don't have too many of those nights and they don't generally fall one after the other. However, it has caused me to re-evaluate what I am doing with my life (my work life that is.) I'm quite happy with my personal life at the moment.
Options available to me:
1. Quit and live the extremely poor life as opposed to the semi-poor life I'm leading right now.
2. Change jobs. Definitely showing possibilities. I'm thinking about checking out the ED over on the Stanford side of the house. Other possibilities are OR, Day Hospital, and Telecenter. Things to contemplate.
3. Go back to school (not mutually exclusive of the other two options.) Hoping to accomplish this in Fall 2006. This could have a big effect on what I do later in my career.
In any case, until I get off my tookus and make a decision, I am going to be generally unhappy, so I must move, and move soon.
Other than that, life is good.
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