Boobie Bottle
Ok, this is the most hilarious thing I've seen for babies, but it's what I've come to. My darling Riley (also known as my Berkeley protestor for her ability to stick to a cause at this young age) refuses to take a bottle, and this is a problem since I have to go back to work Oct. 1st. I have tried just about every bottle on the market. This is a last resort. I ordered it on the web and it arrived while I was in ballsac. We tried it out last night and it may be a hit. She protested at first, probably on the basis that it was still a bottle, but then seemed to be ok with it. We'll see how things go today. (Sometimes she appeases us by cooperating only to become more adament about the no bottle thing on the next round.)
Scroll down and check out the nipple comparison - it's hilarious.
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